LinkIt ONE Tutorial - Marquee

What We’re Doing

The experiments in the previous sections used only one LED but to show dazzling light effects lets use three LEDs. Make connections as shown in the Fig 4.2 and upload the code given below and observe the changes that happens.

Things you need




Please click on the button below to download the code for the kit:

You can unzip the file to the Examples folder of your Arduino IDE.

To access the demo code open:

File -> Examples -> Starter Kit for LinkIt -> Basic -> L4_Control_LEDs

const int pinLed1    = 2;                       // pin of led1
const int pinLed2    = 3;                       // pin of led2
const int pinLed3    = 4;                       // pin of led3
void setup()
    pinMode(pinLed1, OUTPUT);                   // set all pin OUTPUT
    pinMode(pinLed2, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(pinLed3, OUTPUT);
void loop()
    digitalWrite(pinLed4, LOW);                 // led4 off
    digitalWrite(pinLed1, HIGH);                // led1 on
    digitalWrite(pinLed1, LOW);                 // led1 off
    digitalWrite(pinLed2, HIGH);                // led2 on
    digitalWrite(pinLed2, LOW);                 // led2 off
    digitalWrite(pinLed3, HIGH);                // led3 on
    digitalWrite(pinLed3, LOW);                 // led3 off
    digitalWrite(pinLed4, HIGH);                // led4 on


Making it better

Upload the following code with the same breadboard connection in order to obtain different flashing effects.

To access the demo code open:

File -> Examples -> Starter Kit for LinkIt -> Extend_Lesson –> L4_Control_LEDs_Speed

More ideas

Modify the existing code such that the frequency of LED blinking increases.


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