Grove - UART WiFi

Grove - UART WiFi is a serial transceiver module featuring the ubiquitous ESP8266 IoT SoC. With integrated TCP/IP protocol stack, this module lets your microcontroller interact with WiFi networks with only a few lines of code. Each ESP8266 module comes pre-programmed with an AT command set firmware, meaning you can send simple text commands to control the device. The SoC features integrated WEP, WPA/WPA2, TKIP, AES, and WAPI engines, can act as an access point with DHCP, can join existing WiFi networks and has configurable MAC and IP addresses.


Hardware Overview

Here is block diagram of Grove - UART WiF module which consists of following parts.


2x additional AT commands to control blue Link LED.
Register red WiFi LED to the ESP8266 wifi state LED.

Ultra-low power technology

The ESP8266 was designed to achieve very low energy consumption with patented power management technology that reduces non-essential functions and regulates sleep patterns. There are five power states:

The Real-time clock can be programmed to wake the ESP8266 within a specified period of time.

The higher the DTIM period, the longer the device may sleep and therefore the more power the device may potentially save.

To meet the power requirements of mobile applications and wearable electronics, to reduce the overall power consumption, the PA output power can be customised in the firmware.

Application Ideas

Getting Started

After this section, you can make Grove - UART WiFi run with only few steps.


Now we are making a demo for wireless access point(AP) scan which require following modules.

If this is your first time using Seeeduino Lite, please refer to Seeeduino Lite's wiki

Seeeduino Lite is compatible with Arduino which works as simple as Arduino.

If this is your first time using Arduino, Please put hand on here to start your Arduino journey.

Connecting hardware

Seeeduino Litegot Grove socket for connecting two module mentioned above: Grove - OLED Display 1.12 and Grove - Uart Wifi.

They are:

As shown below:


Click here to download testing code and decompress it to any folders(e.g. Drive D or desktop)

Now you need simple configurations for Arduino sketchbook.

Launch Arduino IDE and click File>Preferences and add absolute location for downloaded testing code at Sketchbook location .

After configurations, please restart Arduino, click File>Sketchbook and choose grove_uart_wifi_wiki after which testing code will show up.

Click Tools>Board to choose Seeeduino Lite and select respective serial port.

Now click Upload(CTRL+U) to burn testing code. Please refer to here for any error prompt and you can also add comment on forum

Review Results

After upload completed, you can see AP identifier on OLED display.Following AP identifiers are found in our office.

Firmware update

Our module board got a firmware burned into it for factory settings, you can burn other firmware to it if you like. Click here to download source code of factory setting firmware.


Connecting hardware

1. Connect one end of Grove-Jump converting cable with grove socket on Grove - Uart Wifi and connect other end with UartSBee V5 which shown as following.

2. Then connecting cables like following figure:

Download burning tools

Operation steps

Now make sure you have downloaded burning software and bin file of firmware. Let us start burning to board.

1. Choose desired files from firmware bin file downloaded.

2. Check ​​SpiAutoSet.

3. Choose respective COM port and BAUDRATE.

Click to START to burn firmware

AT Commands

Using Espressif Systems ESP8266 AT Instruction Set Version 0.24 with SeeedStudio additions.

Basic AT Commands

Command Description
AT Test AT startup
AT+RST Restart module
AT+GMR View version info
AT+GSLP Enter deep-sleep mode
ATE Enable/Disable AT commands echo
AT+RESTORE Factory Reset
AT+UART UART configuration (Deprecated)
AT+UART_CUR UART current configuration (Won't save to Flash)
AT+UART_DEF UART default configuration (Save to Flash)
AT+SLEEP Sleep mode
AT+RFVDD Set RF TX Power according to VDD33

WiFi AT Commands

Command Description
AT+CWMODE WIFI mode (Deprecated)
AT+CWMODE_CUR Current WIFI mode (Won't save to Flash)
AT+CWMODE_DEF Default WIFI mode (Save to Flash)
AT+CWJAP Connect to AP (Deprecated)
AT+CWJAP_CUR Current Connect to AP (Won't save to Flash)
AT+CWJAP_DEF Default Connect to AP (Save to Flash)
AT+CWLAP Lists available APs
AT+CWQAP Disconnect from AP
AT+CWSAP Configure softAP (Deprecated)
AT+CWSAP_CUR Configure current softAP (Won't save to Flash)
AT+CWSAP_DEF Configure default softAP (Save to Flash)
AT+CWLIF List stations connected to softAP
AT+CWDHCP Enable/Disable DHCP (Deprecated)
AT+CWDHCP_CUR Current Enable/Disable DHCP (Won't save to Flash)
AT+CWDHCP_DEF Default Enable/Disable DHCP (Save to Flash)
AT+CWAUTOCONN Connect to AP automatically when power on
AT+CIPSTAMAC Set station mac address (Deprecated)
AT+CIPSTAMAC_CUR Set station mac address (Won't save to Flash)
AT+CIPSTAMAC_DEF Set station mac address (Save to Flash)
AT+CIPAPMAC Set softAP mac address (Deprecated)
AT+CIPAPMAC_CUR Set softAP mac address (Won't save to Flash)
AT+CIPAPMAC_DEF Set softAP mac address (Save to Flash)
AT+CIPSTA Set station IP address (Deprecated)
AT+CIPSTA_CUR Set station IP address (Won't save to Flash)
AT+CIPSTA_DEF Set station IP address (Save to Flash)
AT+CIPAP Set softAP IP address (Deprecated)
AT+CIPAP_CUR Set softAP IP address (Won't save to Flash)
AT+CIPAP_DEF Set softAP IP address (Save to Flash)

TCP/IP AT Commands

Command Description
AT+CIPSTATUS Get connection status
AT+CIPSTART Establish TCP connection or register UDP port
AT+CIPSEND Send data
AT+CIPSENDEX Send data, if <length> or "\0" is met, data will be sent
AT+CIPSENDBUF Write data into TCP-send-buffer
AT+CIPBUFRESET Reset segment ID count
AT+CIPBUFSTATUS Check status of TCP-send-buffer
AT+CIPCHECKSEQ Check if a specific segment is sent or not
AT+CIPCLOSE Close TCP/UDP connection
AT+CIFSR Get local IP address
AT+CIPMUX Set multiple connections mode
AT+CIPSERVER Configure as server
AT+CIPMODE Set transmission mode
AT+SAVETRANSLINK Save transparent transmission link to Flash
AT+CIPSTO Set timeout when ESP8266 runs as TCP server
AT+CIUPDATE Upgrade firmware through network
AT+PING Ping an IP address or hostname

Seeed AT Commands

Command Description
AT+LEDON Turn the blue LINK led on
AT+LEDOFF Turn the blue LINK led off


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