Xadow - Compass

Xadow Compass is a 3-Axis Digital Compass which is a member of Xadow family. The module is based on a low field magnetic sensor HMC5883. It features 1° to 2° compass heading accuracy, and it is using I2C serial bus to communicate with your microcontroller. Xadow Compass is a useful tool for helping you to get the direction information.


7-bit address: 0x1E
8-bit read address: 0x3D
8-bit write address: 0x3C


This demo is going to show you how to read raw data, how to calibrate the data with your local magnetic declination angle and how to get heading angle.

Get the local magnetic declination

First off, before any action you are going to take, you need to prepare a parameter you are going to use in your demo. That's your local magnetic declination.

Download code

Note: when connect Xadow Compass to Xadow Main Board, you should concern about the connection direction. The connection method is that the unfilled corner of one Xadow module need to connect to the right angle of another module (see four corners of each Xadow module).


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