Usnoobie Kit

The USnooBie is a microcontroller kit that does not require any sort of AVR programmer or USB-to-serial converters to load and run compiled code. It's hardware design allows the user to develop low cost USB devices with Atmel's AVR ATmega microcontrollers. It can also be used to develop projects which are not USB devices.

Model: INT112D2P Click here to go to the store page.


What is it?

It's a board featuring an ATmega328P microcontroller and bits of hardware which makes the microcontroller become a USB device. This design allows the user to develop their own USB gadgets with the USnooBie. It also allows the USnooBie to run a bootloader that does not require any USB-to-serial converter, and also does not require an AVR programmer of any kind. The ability to function as a USB device is provided by V-USB which is open source software for AVR microcontrollers that turns them into USB devices. This board is designed specifically for V-USB's recommended circuit design using all through-hole components. It has a thin shape and has a USB-A connector, which allows you to plug it into a computer directly, or you can use a cheap dollar-store USB extension cable to connect it. Its thin shape makes it great for use on a breadboard.

USnooBie makes heavy use of Objective Development's V-USB. If you are developing USB gadgets, V-USB will become your best friend.

If you are not such an advanced user, it is also compatible with Arduino.

Application Ideas

This thing is perfect for interactivity between you and a computer! Make a USB mouse, keyboard, joystick, gamepad, steering wheel, flight simulator, or any combination of these devices by creating a HID USB device. Go ahead, throw a few potientiometers, Hall effect sensors, and buttons on an excercise bike and BAM! Greatest racing simlator ever! You wouldn't even need to write any drivers for most HID devices and they will work across all major operating systems.

Or maybe you want something custom, then simply use LibUSB and code your own computer device driver. Go ahead and replicate that USB missile launcher you've always wanted. I've personally made a LCD screen that displays Google Talk messages.

Please check out the Projects and Tutorials page.


All the schematic, PCB, and bootloader files are available on the downloads page.



Hardware Assembly

Detailed and illustrated step by step instructions, including the part list, click here

Programming and Loading Code

Please visit the Usage Guide page for full text

To enter the bootloader, hold down the bootloader-activation button, then press and release the reset button, then release the bootloader-activation button. The bootloader should appear to your computer as an USBasp programmer, so you may now use it as though you were using an USBasp with AVRDUDE.

If this doesn't work at all, then you probably received a kit where the Atmega328p chip has not been yet been programmed with the Usnoobie bootloader. Bummer. If you have an AVR programmer, eg. a USBtinyISP or similar, then hook up the chip to your programmer (on a breadboard or whatever), get the bootloader.hex file from the Usnoobie main site, and burn it with these two commands:

avrdude -c usbtiny -p m328p -F -U lfuse:w:0xFF:m -U hfuse:w:0xD8:m -U efuse:w:0x05:m -U lock:w:0x0F:m

avrdude -c usbtiny -p m328p -F -B 1 -U flash:w:bootloader.hex

Assembled View

Bill of Materials (BOM) / Part List

Detailed and illustrated step by step instructions, including the part list, click here


For help and support with the USnooBie, please visit the Help Page

If you have questions or other better design ideas, you can go to our forum or wish to discuss.

Version Tracker

Revision Descriptions Release
v0.9b Initial public release Oct 27, 2010

Bug Tracker

Current known issues are discussed here

Bug Tracker is the place you can publish any bugs you think you might have found during use. Please write down what you have to say, your answers will help us improve our products.

Additional Idea

The Additional Idea is the place to write your project ideas about this product, or other usages you've found. Or you can write them on Projects page.


How to buy

Click here to buy:

See Also


This documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0 Source code and libraries are licensed under GPL/LGPL, see source code files for details.

External Links

Links to external webpages which provide more application ideas, documents/datasheet or software libraries

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