Here is the wiki page for Both Seeeduino V2.2 Atmega 168P and Seeeduino V2.2 Atmega 328P.
And Now Seeeduino V2.2 Atmega 168P is out of stock.
Seeeduino is Arduino compatible board. Its design is based on Diecimila scheme, 100% compatible to its existing program, shield and IDEs. On the hardware part, remarkable changes are taken to improve the flexibility and user experience.
Seeeduino V2.2 Atmega 328 Model:ARD128D2P
The warnings and wrong operations possible cause dangerous.
It is the schematic, the circuit about Eagle resource like .pdf should linked here in order to avoid memory exhausted.
May include key specification and other specifications.
If you are using the Arduino Development Environment to program the board, select the Anduino Duemilanove board from the boards list.
If the serial port does not show up when you connect the Seeeduino to the computer, you have to download the appropriate USB to serial drivers. The Windows, Linux, and Mac drivers can be downloaded here:
Includes important code snippet. Demo code likeĀ :
Demo code { }
The projects and application examples.
All the components used to produce the product.
Here is the Seeeduino FAQ, now the version is V2.2, users can list the Frequently Asked Questions here, example as below:
Answer: Seeeduino is a ...
If you have questions or other better design ideas, you can go to our forum or wish to discuss.
Revision | Descriptions | Release Date |
Seeeduino V0.9 | Initial public release | |
Seeeduino V1.1 |
Seeeduino V2.12 |
Seeeduino V2.2 |
Dec 16, 2010 |
Bug Tracker is the place you can publish any bugs you think you might have found during use. Please write down what you have to say, your answers will help us improve our products.
The Additional Idea is the place to write your project ideas about this product, or other usages you've found. Or you can write them on Projects page.
Here to buy Seeeduino V2.2 Atmega 168P and Atmega 328P on SEEED Bazaar.
Other related products and resources.
This documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0 Source code and libraries are licensed under GPL/LGPL, see source code files for details.
Links to external webpages which provide more application ideas, documents/datasheet or software libraries
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