Motor Shield V2.0

The Motor Shield is a driver module for motors that allows you to use Arduino to control the working speed and direction of the motor. Based on the Dual Full-Bridge Drive Chip L298, it is able to drive two DC motors or a step motor. The Motor Shield can either be powered directly by Arduino or by an external 6V~15V power supply via the terminal input. This module can be used for the development of micro robots and intelligent vehicles, etc



Spec Value
Operating Voltage 5V
External Power 6-15V
Output Current 2.0A Max @ Each Channel
PWM Range 0-100%
Output 2 Channels, 4 Ports

Hardware Overivew

1. Channel 1 indicator, include 3 leds

  • EB - channel 1 enable, high active
  • IN3 - status of OUT3
  • IN4 - status of OUT4

2. Channel 1 Sense - Please connect the left 2 pins together for normal usage.

Note that it's a high level application for sense the current, please refer to datasheet and schematic for more information.

3. OUTPUT - There're 2 channels, each channel has 2 output

  • Channel 0 - OUT1, OUT2
  • Channel 1 - OUT3, OUT4

4. Channel 0 Sense

5. Channel 0 indicator, include 3 leds

  • EB - channel 0 enable, high active
  • IN1 - status of OUT1
  • IN2 - status of OUT2

6. External Power Input, range 6-15V

7. Reset indicator - turn red when Reset button is pressed

8. Reset button - pressed to reset the shield and Arduino

9. Power indicator - turn green when power in, either internal or external

A. Power switch

  • Connect - Get power from Arduino
  • Disconnect - Get power from External sources

B. Standard Arduino shield pin out

Digital Pin Used

Arduino Pin Function
D0 Not Used
D1 Not Used
D2 Not Used
D3 Not Used
D4 Not Used
D5 Not Used
D6 Not Used
D7 Not Used
D9 Enable of Channel0
D10 Enable of Chennel1
D11 OUT2
D12 OUT3
D13 OUT4

Note that D8~D13 was used by Motor Shield. Please don't use those pins to avoid conflict.

Analog Pin Used

Arduino Pin Function
A0 Not Used
A1 Not Used
A2 Not Used
A3 Not Used
A4 Not Used
A5 Not Used

Note that Not Used means you can use those pins freely.

Getting Started

Here we will show you how to drive a dc motor and a stepper with this shield.

We need a Seeeduino V4 as the controller, Seeeduino V4 is an Arduino compatible board, and you can use an Arduino as well.

And you need a dc motor or a stepper for testing.

Download the library

Click the below button to download the library. If the library you had download include "-master", please remove it.

Drive a DC Motor

You can drive 2 DC motor with this shield. Here I will show you how to drive a DC motor.

You need to do some preparing first:

Then open motor_dc example in the library. Upload the code to Seeeduino V4.2.

//  Demo function:The application method to drive the DC motor.
//  Author:Loovee (
//  2016-3-11
#include "MotorDriver.h"
MotorDriver motor;
void setup()
    // initialize
void loop()
    motor.speed(0, 100);            // set motor0 to speed 100
    motor.brake(0);                 // brake
    motor.speed(0, -100);           // set motor0 to speed -100
    motor.stop(0);                  // stop

Then you will find your motor move (1s), stop (1s), move back (1s), stop (1s), and loop.

If there's nothing happen, please make sure:

Drive a Stepper

You can drive a 4-wire stepper with this shield. Here I will show you how to drive a stepper.

You need to do some preparing first:

Find the pin definitions of you stepper, and connect it to the OUTPUT of the shield. As below:

Stepper Motor Shield

Then open stepper_test example in the library, upload it to Seeeduino V4, then you will find your stepper move.

 * Stepper test for Seeed Motor Shield V2
 * loovee @ 15 Mar, 2016
#include <Stepper.h>
// change this to the number of steps on your motor
#define STEPS 200
// create an instance of the stepper class, specifying
// the number of steps of the motor and the pins it's
// attached to
Stepper stepper(STEPS, 8, 11, 12, 13);
// the previous reading from the analog input
int previous = 0;
void step(int steps)
    digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(9, LOW);
    digitalWrite(10, LOW);
void setup()
    // set the speed of the motor to 30 RPMs
    pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(9, LOW);
    digitalWrite(10, LOW);
void loop()

If there's nothing happen, please double check if you had connected the wire right.

Library APIs



Initialize the IOs, should be called at the very beginning of the code(maybe Setup()).

void begin();



Set speed, control by PWM.

void move(int motor_id, int speed);
  • 0 - Chanel 0
  • 1 - Chanel 1


void stop(unsigned char motor_id);


void brake(unsigned char motor_id);


Note that we use the library provided by Arduino IDE to drive a stepper.

There's something need to be modified, please refer the examples.


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