How to Use a Suli-Compatible Library

If you are not familiar with Suli, please click here to get more details.

In this wiki page we will talk about how to use a Suli-Compatible Library.

We'll take Suli for Arduino an example.

Suli for Arduino

First of all, we download Suli here,

After download Suli, we extract it to anywhere

Then we copy Suli_Arduino Folder to Library folder of Arduino:

Up to now, we had install Suli for Arduino. Then we download a Suli-Compatible Library for an example.

We take Grove - 3-axis Accelerator for example. We can download this Grove's Suli-Compatible Library here

Then we put this library to Libraries folder of Arduino. If you find that there's "-master" in the behind of the folder name, just remove it.

Suli for Others

Just like we use Suli for Arudino. First we should download Suli for your platform, such as Suly_Mbed.

Then put it to you project. And download a Suli-Compatible Library that you need. Then you can use it.


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