Grove Breakout for LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo

Grove Breakout for LinkItTM Smart 7688 Duo is a Grove port integrated and a feature expansion board for LinkItTM Smart 7688 Duo development board[1]. This breakout board will save a lot of work for quicker prototyping, especially for novices through simplified wiring procedure. So it will help a beginner get a quick start. It supports serial buses like I2C, UART and provides access to reserved original pins of LinkItTM Smart 7688 Duo.

[1] LinkItTM Smart 7688 Duo is an open development board based on the OpenWrt Linux distribution, MT7688 and ATmega32u4. The board is designed especially to enable the prototyping of Rich Application IoT devices for Smart-Home.


Application ideas


Input voltage 5.0V (With USB Power port)
Operating voltage 3.3V
Debug pins connect with MT7688, other pins connect with ATmega32U4.

Hardware Overview

Note: As you need to plug LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo on this breakout, align the side with USB micro type-B of LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo to the side with silkscreen Host of Grove Breakout for LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo.

Grove interface
Connect rich Grove interfaced functional modules. With this kind of ports, you never need jumper wire or soldering work, and you can make more powerful applications with those functional modules.

Parts list

Parts name Quantity
Grove Breakout for LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo 1PC

Getting started

Materials required

Make some sound with a Grove Buzzer

1. Refer this to connect your LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo to internet.

Note 1: You can find Pin 8, Pin 9 and Pin GND close to the port to be connected LinkIt Smart 7688.
Note 2: You can plug jumper wires into MT7688 UART2 port instead of soldering them to Pin 8, Pin 9 and Pin GND.

2. Open a console after connecting an USB to Serial adapter to LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo.
3. Connect all parts as shown below:

Note: Plug Grove - Buzzer into port D4.

4. Refer this to build the Arduino environment for LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo platform on host computer.
5. Download firmata. Refer to here to install Arduino IDE for LinkIt Smart 7688 platform, and flash the file firmata to developent board.

Note: Following steps are carried out on embedded OS(OpenWRT).

6. Type pip install pyfirmata into console and press Enter to install python library pyfirmata.
7. Create a file named with typing vi in console, copy the code below into it.
from pyfirmata import Arduino, util
from time import sleep
board = Arduino('/dev/ttyS0')
print "Start blinking D4"
while True:[4].write(1)
8. Save and type python to run the example code.
9. Now you will hear the buzzing.


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