Grove - Chainable RGB LED is based on P9813 chip which is a full-color LED driver. It provides 3 constant-current drivers as well as modulated output of 256 shades of gray. It communicates with a MCU using 2-wire transmission (Data and Clock). It uses this 2-wire transmission to cascade additional Grove - Chainable RGB LED modules. The built-in clock regeneration enhances the transmission distance. This Grove module is suitable for any colorful LED based projects.
Model: COM53140P
When you get Grove - Chainble RGB LED, you may think how I can light up it. Now we will show you this demo: all colors of RGB cycles in an uniform way.
The hardware installation like this:
To complete this demo, you can use one or more Grove - Chainable RGB LED. Note that the IN interface of one Grove - Chainable RGB LED should be connect to D7/D8 of Grove - Base Shield and its OUT interface connect to IN interface of another Grove - Chainable RGB LED, chainable more LED in this way.
/* * Example of using the ChainableRGB library for controlling a Grove RGB. * This code cycles through all the colors in an uniform way. This is accomplished using a HSB color space. */ #include <ChainableLED.h> #define NUM_LEDS 5 ChainableLED leds(7, 8, NUM_LEDS); void setup() { } float hue = 0.0; boolean up = true; void loop() { for (byte i=0; i<NUM_LEDS; i++) leds.setColorHSB(i, hue, 1.0, 0.5); delay(50); if (up) hue+= 0.025; else hue-= 0.025; if (hue>=1.0 && up) up = false; else if (hue<=0.0 && !up) up = true; }
You can observe this scene: colors of two LED will gradient consistently.
Extend application:
Based on Chainable LED Library, we have designed this demo: RGB color varies with the temperature measured by Grove - temperature. The RGB color vary from green to red when the temperature is from 25 to 32. The test code is shown below. Do it if you are interested in it.
// demo of temperature -> rgbLED // temperature form 25 - 32, rgbLed from green -> red // Grove-temperature plu to A0 // LED plug to D7,D8 #include <Streaming.h> #include <ChainableLED.h> #define TEMPUP 32 #define TEMPDOWN 25 ChainableLED leds(7, 8, 1); // connect to pin7 and pin8 , one led int getAnalog() // get value from A0 { int sum = 0; for(int i=0; i<32; i++) { sum += analogRead(A0); } return sum>>5; } float getTemp() // get temperature { float temperature = 0.0; float resistance = 0.0; int B = 3975; //B value of the thermistor int a = getAnalog(); resistance = (float)(1023-a)*10000/a; //get the resistance of the sensor; temperature = 1/(log(resistance/10000)/B+1/298.15)-273.15; //convert to temperature via datasheet ; return temperature; } void ledLight(int dta) // light led { dta = dta/4; // 0 - 255 int colorR = dta; int colorG = 255-dta; int colorB = 0; leds.setColorRGB(0, colorR, colorG, colorB); } void setup() { Serial.begin(38400); cout << "hello world !" << endl; } void loop() { float temp = getTemp(); int nTemp = temp*100; nTemp = nTemp > TEMPUP*100 ? TEMPUP*100 : (nTemp < TEMPDOWN*100 ? TEMPDOWN*100 : nTemp); nTemp = map(nTemp, TEMPDOWN*100, TEMPUP*100, 0, 1023); ledLight(nTemp); delay(100); }
1.You should have got a raspberry pi and a grovepi or grovepi+.
2.You should have completed configuring the development enviroment, otherwise follow here.
4.Navigate to the demos' directory:
cd yourpath/GrovePi/Software/Python/
nano # "Ctrl+x" to exit #
import time import grovepi # Connect first LED in Chainable RGB LED chain to digital port D7 # In: CI,DI,VCC,GND # Out: CO,DO,VCC,GND pin = 7 # I have 10 LEDs connected in series with the first connected to the GrovePi and the last not connected # First LED input socket connected to GrovePi, output socket connected to second LED input and so on numleds = 1 grovepi.pinMode(pin,"OUTPUT") time.sleep(1) # Chainable RGB LED methods # grovepi.storeColor(red, green, blue) # grovepi.chainableRgbLed_init(pin, numLeds) # grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numLeds, testColor) # grovepi.chainableRgbLed_pattern(pin, pattern, whichLed) # grovepi.chainableRgbLed_modulo(pin, offset, divisor) # grovepi.chainableRgbLed_setLevel(pin, level, reverse) # test colors used in grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test() testColorBlack = 0 # 0b000 #000000 testColorBlue = 1 # 0b001 #0000FF testColorGreen = 2 # 0b010 #00FF00 testColorCyan = 3 # 0b011 #00FFFF testColorRed = 4 # 0b100 #FF0000 testColorMagenta = 5 # 0b101 #FF00FF testColorYellow = 6 # 0b110 #FFFF00 testColorWhite = 7 # 0b111 #FFFFFF # patterns used in grovepi.chainableRgbLed_pattern() thisLedOnly = 0 allLedsExceptThis = 1 thisLedAndInwards = 2 thisLedAndOutwards = 3 try: print "Test 1) Initialise" # init chain of leds grovepi.chainableRgbLed_init(pin, numleds) time.sleep(.5) # change color to green grovepi.storeColor(0,255,0) time.sleep(.5) # set led 1 to green grovepi.chainableRgbLed_pattern(pin, thisLedOnly, 0) time.sleep(.5) # change color to red grovepi.storeColor(255,0,0) time.sleep(.5) # set led 10 to red grovepi.chainableRgbLed_pattern(pin, thisLedOnly, 9) time.sleep(.5) # pause so you can see what happened time.sleep(2) # reset (all off) grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorBlack) time.sleep(.5) print "Test 2a) Test Patterns - black" # test pattern 0 - black (all off) grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorBlack) time.sleep(1) print "Test 2b) Test Patterns - blue" # test pattern 1 blue grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorBlue) time.sleep(1) print "Test 2c) Test Patterns - green" # test pattern 2 green grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorGreen) time.sleep(1) print "Test 2d) Test Patterns - cyan" # test pattern 3 cyan grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorCyan) time.sleep(1) print "Test 2e) Test Patterns - red" # test pattern 4 red grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorRed) time.sleep(1) print "Test 2f) Test Patterns - magenta" # test pattern 5 magenta grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorMagenta) time.sleep(1) print "Test 2g) Test Patterns - yellow" # test pattern 6 yellow grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorYellow) time.sleep(1) print "Test 2h) Test Patterns - white" # test pattern 7 white grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorWhite) time.sleep(1) # pause so you can see what happened time.sleep(2) # reset (all off) grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorBlack) time.sleep(.5) print "Test 3a) Set using pattern - this led only" # change color to red grovepi.storeColor(255,0,0) time.sleep(.5) # set led 3 to red grovepi.chainableRgbLed_pattern(pin, thisLedOnly, 2) time.sleep(.5) # pause so you can see what happened time.sleep(2) # reset (all off) grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorBlack) time.sleep(.5) print "Test 3b) Set using pattern - all leds except this" # change color to blue grovepi.storeColor(0,0,255) time.sleep(.5) # set all leds except for 3 to blue grovepi.chainableRgbLed_pattern(pin, allLedsExceptThis, 3) time.sleep(.5) # pause so you can see what happened time.sleep(2) # reset (all off) grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorBlack) time.sleep(.5) print "Test 3c) Set using pattern - this led and inwards" # change color to green grovepi.storeColor(0,255,0) time.sleep(.5) # set leds 1-3 to green grovepi.chainableRgbLed_pattern(pin, thisLedAndInwards, 2) time.sleep(.5) # pause so you can see what happened time.sleep(2) # reset (all off) grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorBlack) time.sleep(.5) print "Test 3d) Set using pattern - this led and outwards" # change color to green grovepi.storeColor(0,255,0) time.sleep(.5) # set leds 7-10 to green grovepi.chainableRgbLed_pattern(pin, thisLedAndOutwards, 6) time.sleep(.5) # pause so you can see what happened time.sleep(2) # reset (all off) grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorBlack) time.sleep(.5) print "Test 4a) Set using modulo - all leds" # change color to black (fully off) grovepi.storeColor(0,0,0) time.sleep(.5) # set all leds black # offset 0 means start at first led # divisor 1 means every led grovepi.chainableRgbLed_modulo(pin, 0, 1) time.sleep(.5) # change color to white (fully on) grovepi.storeColor(255,255,255) time.sleep(.5) # set all leds white grovepi.chainableRgbLed_modulo(pin, 0, 1) time.sleep(.5) # pause so you can see what happened time.sleep(2) # reset (all off) grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorBlack) time.sleep(.5) print "Test 4b) Set using modulo - every 2" # change color to red grovepi.storeColor(255,0,0) time.sleep(.5) # set every 2nd led to red grovepi.chainableRgbLed_modulo(pin, 0, 2) time.sleep(.5) # pause so you can see what happened time.sleep(2) print "Test 4c) Set using modulo - every 2, offset 1" # change color to green grovepi.storeColor(0,255,0) time.sleep(.5) # set every 2nd led to green, offset 1 grovepi.chainableRgbLed_modulo(pin, 1, 2) time.sleep(.5) # pause so you can see what happened time.sleep(2) # reset (all off) grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorBlack) time.sleep(.5) print "Test 4d) Set using modulo - every 3, offset 0" # change color to red grovepi.storeColor(255,0,0) time.sleep(.5) # set every 3nd led to red grovepi.chainableRgbLed_modulo(pin, 0, 3) time.sleep(.5) # change color to green grovepi.storeColor(0,255,0) time.sleep(.5) # set every 3nd led to green, offset 1 grovepi.chainableRgbLed_modulo(pin, 1, 3) time.sleep(.5) # change color to blue grovepi.storeColor(0,0,255) time.sleep(.5) # set every 3nd led to blue, offset 2 grovepi.chainableRgbLed_modulo(pin, 2, 3) time.sleep(.5) # pause so you can see what happened time.sleep(2) # reset (all off) grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorBlack) time.sleep(.5) print "Test 4e) Set using modulo - every 3, offset 1" # change color to yellow grovepi.storeColor(255,255,0) time.sleep(.5) # set every 4nd led to yellow grovepi.chainableRgbLed_modulo(pin, 1, 3) time.sleep(.5) # pause so you can see what happened time.sleep(2) print "Test 4f) Set using modulo - every 3, offset 2" # change color to magenta grovepi.storeColor(255,0,255) time.sleep(.5) # set every 4nd led to magenta grovepi.chainableRgbLed_modulo(pin, 2, 3) time.sleep(.5) # pause so you can see what happened time.sleep(2) # reset (all off) grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorBlack) time.sleep(.5) print "Test 5a) Set level 6" # change color to green grovepi.storeColor(0,255,0) time.sleep(.5) # set leds 1-6 to green grovepi.write_i2c_block(0x04,[95,pin,6,0]) time.sleep(.5) # pause so you can see what happened time.sleep(2) # reset (all off) grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorBlack) time.sleep(.5) print "Test 5b) Set level 7 - reverse" # change color to red grovepi.storeColor(255,0,0) time.sleep(.5) # set leds 4-10 to red grovepi.write_i2c_block(0x04,[95,pin,7,1]) time.sleep(.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: # reset (all off) grovepi.chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numleds, testColorBlack) break except IOError: print "Error"
pin = 7 #setting up the output pin numleds = 1 #how many leds you plug
storeColor(red, green, blue) chainableRgbLed_init(pin, numLeds) chainableRgbLed_test(pin, numLeds, testColor) chainableRgbLed_pattern(pin, pattern, whichLed) chainableRgbLed_modulo(pin, offset, divisor) chainableRgbLed_setLevel(pin, level, reverse)
5.Run the demo.
sudo python
6.This demo may not work if your grovepi dosen't have the newest firmware, update the firmware.
cd yourpath/GrovePi/Firmware sudo ./
To begin editing programs that live on BBG, you can use the Cloud9 IDE.
As a simple exercise to become familiar with Cloud9 IDE, creating a simple application to blink one of the 4 user programmable LEDs on the BeagleBone is a good start.
If this is your first time to use Cloud9 IDE, please follow this link.
Step1: Set the Grove - UART socket as a Grove - GPIO Socket, just follow this link.
Step2: Click the "+" in the top-right to create a new file.
Step3: Copy and paste the following code into the new tab
import time import Adafruit_BBIO.GPIO as GPIO CLK_PIN = "P9_22" DATA_PIN = "P9_21" NUMBER_OF_LEDS = 1 class ChainableLED(): def __init__(self, clk_pin, data_pin, number_of_leds): self.__clk_pin = clk_pin self.__data_pin = data_pin self.__number_of_leds = number_of_leds GPIO.setup(self.__clk_pin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(self.__data_pin, GPIO.OUT) for i in range(self.__number_of_leds): self.setColorRGB(i, 0, 0, 0) def clk(self): GPIO.output(self.__clk_pin, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(0.00002) GPIO.output(self.__clk_pin, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(0.00002) def sendByte(self, b): "Send one bit at a time, starting with the MSB" for i in range(8): # If MSB is 1, write one and clock it, else write 0 and clock if (b & 0x80) != 0: GPIO.output(self.__data_pin, GPIO.HIGH) else: GPIO.output(self.__data_pin, GPIO.LOW) self.clk() # Advance to the next bit to send b = b << 1 def sendColor(self, red, green, blue): "Start by sending a byte with the format '1 1 /B7 /B6 /G7 /G6 /R7 /R6' " #prefix = B11000000 prefix = 0xC0 if (blue & 0x80) == 0: #prefix |= B00100000 prefix |= 0x20 if (blue & 0x40) == 0: #prefix |= B00010000 prefix |= 0x10 if (green & 0x80) == 0: #prefix |= B00001000 prefix |= 0x08 if (green & 0x40) == 0: #prefix |= B00000100 prefix |= 0x04 if (red & 0x80) == 0: #prefix |= B00000010 prefix |= 0x02 if (red & 0x40) == 0: #prefix |= B00000001 prefix |= 0x01 self.sendByte(prefix) # Now must send the 3 colors self.sendByte(blue) self.sendByte(green) self.sendByte(red) def setColorRGB(self, led, red, green, blue): # Send data frame prefix (32x '0') self.sendByte(0x00) self.sendByte(0x00) self.sendByte(0x00) self.sendByte(0x00) # Send color data for each one of the leds for i in range(self.__number_of_leds): ''' if i == led: _led_state[i*3 + _CL_RED] = red; _led_state[i*3 + _CL_GREEN] = green; _led_state[i*3 + _CL_BLUE] = blue; sendColor(_led_state[i*3 + _CL_RED], _led_state[i*3 + _CL_GREEN], _led_state[i*3 + _CL_BLUE]); ''' self.sendColor(red, green, blue) # Terminate data frame (32x "0") self.sendByte(0x00) self.sendByte(0x00) self.sendByte(0x00) self.sendByte(0x00) # Note: Use P9_22(UART2_RXD) and P9_21(UART2_TXD) as GPIO. # Connect the Grove - Chainable RGB LED to UART Grove port of Beaglebone Green. if __name__ == "__main__": rgb_led = ChainableLED(CLK_PIN, DATA_PIN, NUMBER_OF_LEDS) while True: # The first parameter: NUMBER_OF_LEDS - 1; Other parameters: the RGB values. rgb_led.setColorRGB(0, 255, 0, 0) time.sleep(2) rgb_led.setColorRGB(0, 0, 255, 0) time.sleep(2) rgb_led.setColorRGB(0, 0, 0, 255) time.sleep(2) rgb_led.setColorRGB(0, 0, 255, 255) time.sleep(2) rgb_led.setColorRGB(0, 255, 0, 255) time.sleep(2) rgb_led.setColorRGB(0, 255, 255, 0) time.sleep(2) rgb_led.setColorRGB(0, 255, 255, 255) time.sleep(2)
Step4: Save the file by clicking the disk icon and giving the file a name with the .py extension.
Step5: Connect Grove Chainable RGB LED to Grove UART socket on BBG.
Step6: Run the code. You'll find the RGB LED is changing color every 2 seconds.