Grove - 3-Axis Digital Gyro

Grove - 3-Axis Digital Gyro module based on ITG 3200. It is the world’s first single-chip, digital-output, 3-axis MEMS motion processing gyro optimised for gaming, 3D mice, and motion-based remote control applications for Internet connected Digital TVs and Set Top Boxes. The ITG-3200 features three 16-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) for digitising the gyro outputs, a user-selectable internal low-pass filter bandwidth, and a Fast-Mode I2C (400kHz) interface.




This demo will show you how to get data from this digital gyro, the data is in the unit of rad/s.

Here we need a Grove - 3-Axis Digital Gyro and a Seeeduino V3.0.

Hardware Installation

Hardware installation is very easy, because there's an I2C Grove in Seeeduino,

so what we need to to is connect it to I2C Grove via a Grove cable.

Download Code and Upload

You can download the library in github, click here, then extract it to libraries folder of Arduino.

Then open File -> examples -> Grove_3_Digital_Gyro -> ITG3200_gyro, you can open the demo code.

Click Upload to Upload the code, if you have any problem about how to start Arduino, please click here for some help.

Check The Result

Now, you can open the serial monitor to check the result.


The diagram below shows the orientations of 3 axes. You can use it to understand the physical meanings of the result.


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