Danger Shield Complete Kits

The Danger Shield is an add-on for the Arduino micro controller board. It contains a variety of fun and useful electronic circuits that you can use to do fun and useful things. It is a fully self-contained shield. You plug it into your Arduino, and you can immediately start using it. No extra things to hook up, no external components. Just a really rad board ready to rock.

Model: ARD105B1P



Application Ideas


The warnings and wrong operations possible cause dangerous.


It is the schematic, the circuit about Eagle resource like .pdf should linked here in order to avoid memory exhausted.


May include key specification and other specifications.

Pin definition and Rating

Mechanic Dimensions


What is it for? Whatever you want to do with it!


Hardware Installation


Includes important code snippet. Demo code likeĀ :

Demo code


The projects and application examples.

Bill of Materials (BOM) /parts list

Please enjoy soldering them:

ID Item QtyType
- Danger Shield v1.0 PCB 1 pcb
DIS1 7 Segment LED, green, 0.3in 1 component
IC1 74HC595N 1 component
JP1 100 breakaway header 5 component
LED1-3 5mm green LED 3 component
R1-R3, R7 10K ohm resistor 4 component
R4, R5, R9-R11, R19 560 ohm resistor 6 component
R6, R12-R18 680 ohm resistor 8 component
R8 1M ohm resistor 1 component
S1-S4 Omron B3F-1000 Button 4 component
SG1, SG2 12mm Piezo Buzzer 2 component
SLIDER1-3 Bourns PTL60 Green 3 component
IC2 LM35DZ 1 component
R20 LDR 1 component
JP2 100 breakaway header 40 component


Please list your question here:


If you have questions or other better design ideas, you can go to our forum or wish to discuss.

Version Tracker

Revision Descriptions Release
v1.0 Initial public release Oct 04, 2008

Bug Tracker

Bug Tracker is the place you can publish any bugs you think you might have found during use. Please write down what you have to say, your answers will help us improve our products.

Additional Idea

The Additional Idea is the place to write your project ideas about this product, or other usages you've found. Or you can write them on Projects page.


How to buy

Click here to buy: http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/danger-shield-complete-kits-p-141.html?cPath=132_134.

See Also

Other related products and resources.


This documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0 Source code and libraries are licensed under GPL/LGPL, see source code files for details.

External Links

Links to external webpages which provide more application ideas, documents/datasheet or software libraries

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